Ferry to Tilos

Colorful flowers and a pine tree with the blue sky as background in Tilos

An easy guide for how to get to Tilos by Ferry, schedules and prices for the Ferry to/from Tilos and recommendations for public transportation services. Explore the website and find all necessary details for the Ferry to Tilos; Port description, destinations and Routes with schedules and prices, accommodation options with real time availability and helpful tips for transfer opportunities in Tilos!

Tilos by ferry

In the following lines, we have prepared a small user guide that will help passengers to travel to Tilos as easily and pleasantly as possible.
Find useful information on how to get to Tilos by ferry, local public transportation options to reach your overnight hotel, port addresses and embarkation offices, ferry schedules and prices, and real-time departures and arrivals.

Tilos by ferry is the best option you have and it can be a very nice and exciting experience and especially if you are doing some island-hopping too. Greek islanders are seasoned ferry experts and they prefer to travel by ferry because of the convenience and flexibility it affords!

There is a choice of Regular Ferries that are running frequently with stops along the way. Cars are allowed on most ferries, for an additional fee and children usually travel for half price!

Give a date and click on "search" to view the ferry timetables!

Notice: Each year and depending on the period, there may be more or fewer connections to Tilos. The biggest shipping companies (ferry operators) announce the new ferry schedules by the end of March and the rest of them by April-June each year!

Schedules & prices for Tilos

With the developed "Easy-Way" system of go-ferry.com, you can make the most reliable and flexible online booking of your ferry ticket!
We will connect you to the booking systems of most ferry operators and will show you:

  • Direct itineraries with schedules to Tilos
  • Alternative routes to Tilos
  • Ferry prices
  • Prices for Adults, children, and babies
  • Prices for all vehicle sizes
  • Trailer prices
  • Ticket offers*
  • Early booking discount*

With all these options we offer, you can be sure that you will find the best deal for the ferry ticket to Tilos at a price that will suit your budget.

*if any

Tilos ferry tickets

Arrange your ferry ticket in advance.

If your final destination is Tilos do not neglect to book your ferry tickets early enough to avoid last-minute surprises! We are sure that you do not want to ruin your vacation or change your destination because you will not find an itinerary available. How could you feel to be at the departure port and not be able to board the ferry to Tilos because it is fully booked?

On this page page, we will mention some reasons that make it necessary to book your ferry tickets to your destination in advance!

Accommodation on the ferry to Tilos

Book your ideal accommodation on the ferry to Tilos and arrive fresh and rested to your destination! Comfortable armchairs, business class comfort seats, outside and inside cabins or economy deck chairs. There is a range of accommodation options to choose for a day or night ride to or from Tilos port.

About Tilos

The island history originated after a territorial separation from the coast of Asia.
During the years of its existence, the island was inhabited by a mixture of nations and accepted a mixture of civilizations. The island passed sequentially from pre-Greeks to Dorians in 1000 BC, after that to the Venetians, to the Knights of St. John in 1310 AD, to the Turks in 1552 AD, in order to return to the modern arms of its maternal Hellenistic past in 1948.

Tilos was inhabited from the Neolithic era (8000-7000 BC), to which the important and impressive paleontological findings of prehistoric elephants bear witness. Their skeletons were found after the excavations that took place in Charkadio cave. Other excavations prove the Minoans and subsequently the Mycenaeans also lived on Tilos, as in other Dodecanese islands. The island was also inhabited by the Pelasgians and this can be seen from the walls that were found.
Herodotus spoke of the golden age of Tilos in the 7th century BC, during which Tilini of Gelas colonized Sicily with Tilos islanders and Lindos residents.

In the 5th century BC, Tilos became part of the Athenian confederacy and remained dependent upon the island of Rhodes, until it passed to the Romans. The richness of the archaeological finds dating from the Roman and early-Christian times reflects the island prosperity.
As long ago as 350 BC, the poet Irinna was born on Tilos and at an early age became inspired by the rich and diverse natural beauty of the island, the variety of its landscapes and the surrounding Aegean Sea.
Its prosperity continued until the great earthquake of 550 AD. After that, Tilos followed the history of Rhodes, with which it was unified.

During the Byzantine era Tilos together with Nisyros, Kos and Samos constituted the Prefecture of Samos. The Knights of St. John inhabited the island and rebuilt or built three of the castles that exist on the island.
In 1522 the island became part of the Ottoman Empire and was under the special financial and administrative status of "maktou" islands.

Finally, in 1948 Tilos returned to the modern arms of its maternal Hellenistic past.
From pre-Greeks the island passed sequentially to the Dorians in 1000 BC.

Culture of Tilos

The rich cultural tradition of Tilos is directly connected to its history. Samples of Tilos civilization are its ancient and Byzantine monuments, the castles, the caves, the churches, the monasteries and the rare icons and hagiographies. Specifically, during the Byzantine era, strong artistic creativity was developed in ecclesiastical activity.

The excavations of the skeletons of pygmy elephants dating back to 4,500 BC in Charkadio cave are considered a very important fact.
The island flourished during the Classical era, during which it had its own mint and it was known for its fine-spun clothes and its perfumes.

Tilos was the birthplace of the ancient poet Irinna, contemporary of Sapfo, who became inspired by the natural beauty of the island, its aromas, its vegetation and its calmness. Through her poetry in praise of Tilos, she passed on to us the most noble of human values.
Finally, the oppressors Lelon and Leron, the establishers of Big Greece, came from Tilos.

What to see in Tilos


The village of Megalo Horio unfolds against the steep slopes of St. Stefanos, a few kilometers away from the village of Livadia. The top of the hill is crowned by an ancient castle that was built by the the Knights of St. John.

There is a quiet charm inherent in this village that is built on centuries of tradition. Until the early 18th century, the entire population of Tilos resided within the castle walls of Megalo Horio, which had a famous temple dedicated to Apollo and Athena. On the foundations of this ancient temple, the church of Taxiarch-Archangel Michael was built in the post Byzantine period.

Beginning in 1827, the ancient ruins were woven into the buildings you see today in which you will find City Hall, the public school and library, the Pygmy Elephant Exhibit, the medical office and the local grocery store.

At the centre of Megalo Horio the visitor finds rooms to rent, two super markets, tavernas, a cafe and a bar. The adjoining main square delights the senses with fragrance and color and its view over the valley and Eristos Bay to the south.

  • AThe Castle :This is where the acropolis of the ancient city used to be and where stood the sanctuary of Pythios Apollo and Pallas Athina. In the ruins of this sanctuary the church of Archangel Michael with wall paintings from the 16th century AD now stands.The best time to visit the place is in the afternoon where the view and the sunset are unique.The castle was repaired by the Knights of St John.
  • The Church of the Archangel Michael is situated in the village where the big silver icons were brought from the church of the castle.The wood carvings are from the 19th century.
  • The Harcadio Cave where in 1971 neolithic tools were found dating as far back as 8000-7000 BC.The area is covered by volcanic lava.
  • The Castle of Misarias built in the middle ages by the Knights of St John (1366).
  • The Monastery of Ayios Panteleimonas built in 1470-80 and repaired in 1703 and 1824. The wood carving is from the 18th century. There is a good possibility that this monastery was built on the ruins of the sanctuary of Poseidon as according to Strabon such a sanctuary existed here.
  • The small archaeological collection
  • The beach of Erystos
  • The Museum of Tilos: An exhibition about the excavations of Charkadio Cave, containing the fossils of Dwarf Elephants, opened in 1994 at the Town Hall of Tilos in Megalo Horio. All the excavations will soon be transferred and presented in a new building close to the cave, the Museum of Dwarf Elephants that is being constructed on the site “Rosoi”. The small openair summer theater, constructed by the Municipality of Tilos near Charkadio, and the asphalt road to the cave have given a new dimension to the fossil rich locality. All of these have also contributed to the understanding of Palaeontology, of the environmental changes that occurred during the Quaternary and the quality and fragility of the fossil treasures from our past that have to be studied, protected and preserved.


The village of Livadia quietly hugs the shore next to the port at the foot of the mountains that shelter Livadia Bay. As you face eastward, the silhouette of the mountains of Turkey appear to rise out of the waters of the Aegean and the island of Simi can be seen.

Agriosykia Castle emerges from the rocky mountaintop to cast its watchful eye over Livadia as it has done unfailingly for the past six hundred years. The gracefully sculpted Italian architecture of the Tilos Police Station building at the port is a reminder of the Italian domination of the island from 1912 until 1948. The long beach in Livadia and the warm, crystal water entice visitors.
At the village of Livadia you will find the port of the island, which has recently been reconstructed and offers better and safer anchoring services for boats and crafts.

  • Going around the roads of the village, you will find plenty of rooms for rent, fifteen tavernas and a few cafes that overlook the beach or are tucked away in the village, four super markets, as well as village stores where you are sure to find some lovely gifts, local delicacies and artistic creations to take home with you. Furthermore, there is a local accommodation office at the port which will serve you and give you accurate information about the prices of the offered accommodations on the island.
    Kastellos a rocky hill with a ruined medieval castle where Mycaenean finds were spotted.
  • The Church of Ayios Panteleimonas who is the patron saint of this island, which explains why so many churches bear his name.
  • The Castle of Agrosykias


Eristos is a quiet, faraway place and is perfect for those who search for isolation. Looking from Megalo Horio, the eye's view is drawn to the fertile valley of Eristos Bay and the cool, blue backdrop of its gulf.
Tilos, in contrast to other islands of the Aegean, is gifted with an abundance of natural spring water that enables the cultivation of a dazzling array of fruits, almonds and vegetables. In springtime, the deep reds, swirling yellows and splashes of blue bursting from the wildflowers turn the valley to a vibrantly colored canvas.
At the end of this valley lies the most beautiful swimming beach on the island called Eristos Beach, which is situated on the west coast of Tilos. Most of the mile long beach is golden sand and in summer time constitutes the paradise of campers.


The village of Mikro Horio was established in the 15th century in the hills above Livadia and was abandoned after World War II by its residents. Some of them moved to Livadia to build a new life as business developed around the port.
Surrounding this mountainous medieval village site, one finds ancient stone walls made centuries ago to corral the animals and a plethora of tiny churches with their ruggedly rustic architecture barely perceptible against the stony hillsides. In this village where there is no sign of life, the venerable, twisted trunks of windswept oak and olive trees guard the secrets of the islands past and offer to the birds a lodge in order to build up their nests every spring.


Having a wonderful view of the islands of Nisyros and Kos, Saint Antonios is a small town, with a picturesque bay that boasts a small fishing port, a sea shore that is famous for its beach rocks, a few hotels, restaurants and cafes.

That fishing port was the basic port of the island before the construction of the port in the village of Livadia. The bus that makes the tour of the island always visits this quiet, small port. A few kilometers to the west is Plaka Bay with its long sandy beach, fine for swimming.

Useful Information

How to get in Tilos

By ferry boat from Rhodes (contact TILOS port, tel. 22410-44350)
By ferry boat from PIREUS, 222 nautical miles and 24 hours.

All the year round Tilos is connected by ferryboat to all the islands of the Dodecanese. Rhodes can be reached either by ferry boat or by airplane from Athens.

Where to stay in Tilos

Although there are two hotels in Livadia and rented rooms in Megalo Chorio, Livadia and Erystos, it is advisable to book before you go. For further information there is a tourist information office on the island. The phone number is 0241-44384.

What to expect in Tilos

Like all unexploited islands of the Aegean you will definitely find peace, beauty and serenity. You will meet with warm, friendly and hospitable people. And although the island has been discovered in recent years by tourists, it remains unspoiled, natural and quiet, and the sea is clear and inviting.

There is a good bus service and good roads. All in all make your choice an unspoiled small island and allow yourself to feel the hospitability of the Aegean people, the warmth of their sun, the cool loving embrace of their sea.

Sea Life in Tilos

The marine world around Tilos island is very rich. The visitors to the sea-bed will encounter numerous Sandsmelts (Atherinomorus lacunosus), 2 species of Squaretail rabbitfish (Siganus luridus and Siganus rivulatus), Reticulated leatherjackets (Stephanolepis diaspros), 3 species of Mullets (Sargocentron hastatus, Dussumieria acuta and Leiognathus lunzingeri) and the Fish hedgehog (Lagocephalus spadiceus). Tuna also is present (Thunnus alalunga, Thunnus thunnus) and Bonitos (Katsuwonus pelamis), which face overfishing problems. The presence of the rare Moonfish (Mola mola) is also important in Tilos waters.
In the wider marine area of Tilos, we meet a plethora of marine invertebrate organisms as: the noah's ark, the fan mussel and oyster (mollusk), the squid, the squid, the cuttlefish, the octopus and the conch (cephalopods), the ear of sea, the barnacle, the murex, the common northern whelk and the (gastropods), the prawn, the lobster, the American lobster, the crawfish and the fresh water crab (crustaceans), as well as marine sponges.

Flora in Tilos

On Tilos island your eyes will be captivated by the numerous variety of plants, mainly in spring, whereas the sense of smell is satisfied by the herbs. Plant species of all the representative habitat types and in different soil conditions are found around the island.

The species that you are going to meet more than others during your walks are the Jerusalem sage (Phlomis floccosa), the Medick lucerne (Medicago heyniana Greuter), the Mullein (Verbascum), the Bellflower (Campanula simulans Carlström), a lot of orchids (8 species of Ophrys and 4 species of Serapias), the Mount Tabor oak (Quercus ithaburensis subsp. Macrolepis) and 5 more species of oak, a lot of rakis (gramithia) which are widespread around the island, the Sea pancratium lily (Pancratium maritimum), the Sea eryngo (Eryngium maritimum) at Eristos beach, wild tea (Sideritis curvidens) and the ladinos (7 species of Trifolium).

Ecological Places in Tilos

Crossing Tilos island you will meet many representative habitat types. The most important of the existing types are the Mediterranean temporary ponds at the village of Livadia, the biotope of Pseudo-steppe with grasses and annuals of the Thero-Brachypodietea near the coasts of Eristos and the region of Missaria and Skafi and the Embryonic shifting dunes at the beach of Eristos and - in small range - other beaches of the island, as that of Skafi which repsresent the first stage of dunes formation. In the past, two natural wetlands existed on the island at the sites of Stolous in Megalo Horio and in Livadia.

Useful Phone Numbers in Tilos

Town Hall

  • Mayor's Office: Tel: +302246044212 E-mail: dimtilos@otenet.gr
  • Municipality of Tilos: Tel: +302246360500, +302246360508-13, +302246044212 dimtilos@otenet.gr
  • ADS: +302246360620, +302246070893

Municipal / Organizations

  • DEFAT: +302246044000, +302246044012
  • Nursery Tel: +302246044110
  • Help at Home:+302246044110


  • TPA: Tel: +302246070883 E-mail: tilopark@otenet.gr, http://www.tilos-park.org.gr

Civil protection

  • Police: Tel: +302246044222
  • Port: Tel: 2246044350

Clinics / Pharmacies / Health Services

  • Rural surgery M. Horio: Tel: 2246044210
  • Office telemedicine: http://users.otenet.gr/ ~ timtem / panel.html
  • Rural surgery Rangelands: Tel: 2246044219
  • Ambulance: 2246044210, 226044219
  • Pharmacy Prairies: 22246044300

Post Office and Banks

  • Mail: Tel: +302246044249
  • Cooperative Bank of Dodecanese: Tel: 2246070704

Public Services

  • Telecommunications Organization (OTE): Tel: +302246044099
  • The mobile phone is on Tilos. Calling cards can be found in Mail and the local shops and kiosks. Telephone booths are located at the following locations on the island: St. Anthony (1), Monastery of St. Panteleimon (1), Eristos (1), Meadows (3) and the Grand Village (3). Still, telephones for public use have many shops, cafes and restaurants.
  • Public Power Corporation (PPC): Tel. / Fax:+30 2246044218


  • Kindergarten Tilos. Tel: +302246044141
  • Primary School Tilos. Tel: +302246044201
  • High School and Middle School Tilos. Tel: +302246044248

Occupational, Environmental & Cultural Associations

  • Agricultural Cooperative Tilos. Tel: +302246044358


  • Greek Orthodox Church of St. Nicholas. Tel: +302246044325
  • Greek Orthodox Church of Archangel. Tel: +302246044397
  • Monastery of St. Panteleimon. Tel: +302242031676

Shipping Companies

  • Tilos 21st Century MC: +302246044000, +302246070880, +302241078052
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