Ferry to Rethymno

Palm trees in Rethymno's promenade

An easy guide for how to get to Rethymnon Ferry Port, schedules and prices for the ferry to Rethymnon and recommendations for public transportation and services. Explore the website and find all necessary details for the Ferry to Rethymnon; Connected Routes with departures and frequency, Accommodation options with real-time Availability and helpful tips for transfer opportunities in Rethymnon!

Rethymno port

The Port of Rethymno is a port of both free and commercial use and it has been separated into two parts:

  • In the eastern part, the docking of cruise and ferry ships is carried out
  • The western part where the loading & unloading of all goods is carried out

Note: 1-Day Excursion to Santorini departs from Marina port, in front of “2 dolphins” statue!

How to get to Rethymno Port

From Chania by public bus

  • From Chania to Rethymnon it takes about 1h 15min by bus. The distance is 60km and the bus fare is about 8-10 Euro per person.
  • Bus Terminal / Station: 75 Kidonias and Kelaidi str., near to the old Market of Chania
  • Tel: +30 2821093306, +30 2821093305, +30 2821093052, Details

Taxi from Chania to Rethymno

  • Alternatively, you can take a taxi from Chania to Rethymnon port. This is about 50min. by taxi and the price is 90-100 Euro.
  • Taxi Chania
  • Taxi Chania-Crete

From Platanias or Stalos area

From Georgioupolis area by public bus

  • All buses stop on the main road just 100-150 meters from the central square. Buses run to Rethymnon every 20 minutes hourly. Georgioupolis is only 20 km from Rethymnon and you need approx. 30-35min. drive.
  • Tel: +30 2821093306, +30 2821093305, +30 2821093052, Details

By Taxi from Georgioupolis to Rethymnon

From Plakias area by bus to Rethymnon

  • From Plakias to Rethymnon there are 5 departures in the summertime and 2 dep. out of season. The drive to Rethymnon takes approx. 1 hour. and the price is 5 Euro per person.
  • The Plakias bus stop is on the seafront taxi rank.
  • Details (buses to the south-west)

From Plakias by Taxi to Rethymnon

  • Alternative way (perhaps the easiest) is to take a taxi from Plakias to the departure port in Rethymnon. The price is approx. 40-45 Euro and the drive takes about 40min.
  • The taxi rank is next to the bus station. To avoid disappointments you may book a taxi in advance.
  • Plakias Taxi Transfer
  • Plakias Taxi Express

From Agia Galini area by public bus to Rethymnon

  • KTEL Bus Organization (Green buses) connects 4-5 times daily Agia Galini with Rethymnon. The duration is about 70-90min. and the price per person is about 7 Euro. The bus station is next to the church and a few hundred metres from the fish harbour.
  • Details (buses to the south-west)

By Taxi from Agia Galini to Rethymnon port

  • If you would like a comfortable and quick transfer to and from Rethymnon, take a taxi. You pay just 80 Euro and you’ll be there in 60-70min.!
  • Taxi Agia Galini
  • Taxi Mr. Nektarios and Antonis Dimitrakakis: +30 2832091486, +30 6936906217, +30 6936906218, +30 6978889253

Note: All above information for Rethymnon was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice.

Schedules, prices and availability to Rethymno by ferry

Book your ferry to Rethymno with any ferry company that suits you better and enjoy your ferry trip in Greece! The “Easy-Way” booking system of go-Ferry.com, allows the most reliable online ferry reservations and offers cheaper, faster and better services for your ticket to or from Rethymnon.

With go-Ferry.com you are able to connect online with the reservation systems of the most Greek shipping companies, to compare prices, to find information about routes and vessels, to look for alternative routes and to print instantly your prepaid Rethymnon ferry ticket.

Ferry timetables may change by season, so take an optical canvassing via our search engine to receive the latest cull of dates, schedules, prices and availability to Rethymno by ferry. With so many accommodation options to cull from, you can be sure to find the best deal for the ferry to Rethymnon at a price that fit your budget.

Complete the under bellow fields and click on SHOW to view timetables and to compare the prices of all ferry companies that run from and to Rethymno!

Note: Each year and depending on the period, there may be more or fewer connections to Rethymno. The biggest shipping companies (ferry operators) announce the new ferry schedules from and to Rethymnon by the end of December and the rest of them by January-March each year!

Book in advance your ferry to Rethymno

Arrange your ferry journey in advance

It is very important that you have organized your ferry to or from Rethymnon in advance, having arranged all the details. You don't want something to go wrong, and you can achieve perfect holidays with a great organization. In addition to hotel accommodation and air-tickets, when you book the boat tickets to or from Rethymnon you know that everything is under control even before leaving home.

There are many reasons why you should arrange to book in advance your ferry to Rethymno. Here are some of the most important:

Pay for Hotel in Rethymno without using it!
During the high season in Greece, and especially in July and August, it is likely that you won't find ferry tickets to popular islands, such as Rethymnon, if you don't book them in advance. So, don't make the mistake to book your hotel on Rethymnon without having booked the ferry pass to/from Rethymnon. The last thing you want is to get to the port and not find an available ferry to or from Rethymnon!

Save time!
Although we charge a commission for acquiring ferry bookings to/from Rethymnon, this allows you not only to secure your tickets but also to save time in Greece; besides receiving a service and attention of first.

Have a bigger choice of ferry tickets!
Buying in advance gives you a better chance of getting the ferry tickets to Rethymno, on the ferry you prefer and at the schedule you want. It does not make sense that your trip to/from Rethymnon is interrupted by not finding available ferry departures, but it is possible.

Find more ferry routes!
If you want to organize your trip to or from Rethymnon, it is wise to check all the possible routes and timelines in order to make the right combinations between Rethymnon and the islands as well as between the air and the ferry tickets. Online, you can have an overview of all the routes going to Rethymnon.

Get the best deal by Rethymno ferry prices!
Ferry tickets to Rethymno can be expensive, so it’s natural to want to get the best deal on them. It has become a regular practice for ferries to announce special rates and deep discounts for booking tickets to or from Rethymnon up to 3-6 months in advance.

Feeling Great having ferry confirmation in your pocket!
You will feel a great feeling when having the ferry confirmation to or from Rethymnon in your hands. The reservation with us will allow you to secure your tickets to or from Rethymnon, you will be relieved to have the confirmation in your hands or on your smartphone!

Accommodation options on the ferry to Rethymnon

Book your ideal accommodation options on the ferry to Rethymno and arrive fresh and rested to your destination! Comfortable armchairs, business class comfort seats, outside and inside cabins or economy deck chairs. There is a range of accommodation options to choose for a day or night ride from and to Rethymnon.

About Rethymno

Rethimno is located in the north end of the prefecture, built by the sea and is a city with many faces. Rethimno or Rithimna as it was once called has been inhabited since the Later Minoan III period. Nowadays, it keeps the elements inherited by its history (from antiquity up to now), preserving at the same time the characteristics of a modern city. You can reach Rethimno by boat from Piraeus or by plane from Athens to Chania and then drive 60 km to Rethimno.

Bus services are daily and often to all Cretan areas while the north road network is convenient for a relaxing journey.

Rethimno combines the conveniences of a large city with the beauty of an old town. Both elements will mesmerize you.

Venetian Lotzia, a beautiful building of 6th century which now houses the Public Library, is located in the old town at the end of Paleologos Street. Lotzia building was the gathering place of noblemen feudal lords where they could discuss issues concerning economy, commerce, politics, etc. At the same building they could play lucky games while its arcades were used by representatives for announcing state decrees.

The building was later influenced by the Turks who turned it to mosque, covering the arches and leaving just one door open. In the west side they annexed a minaret.

If you walk along Vernardos Street up to its end, south of Petichaki square, you will end up in Nerantze mosque.

The building operated initially as Venetian church, dedicated to Santa Maria and later (1657) it was turned to a mosque by the Turks.

During this transformation the Turks annexed a roof with three domes and the highest minaret in Rethimno.

It is worth to go up Paleokastro hill and walk in Fortetza. Fortetza is the fort of a zone of fortified works established during the Venetian occupation. Their construction lasted seven years (1573-1580 A.D.). The exterior aspect of the walls is low but wide with such an inclination that could protect its interior from enemy bullets.

The fort’s central entrance is in the east side through which you will enter a dark arcade and proceed to the interior of the castle but when you pass it you will see the sunlight again. The first building you will see is the warehouse of the artillery which nowadays operates as an exhibition hall.

A bit further is Aghios Ilias rampart and the small, amphitheatrical and semi-circular theater Erofili, which is now used for cultural events of cinquecento character during the summer period. Sultan Ibrahim temple dominates there, while opposite the mosque you will see the ruins of Retouri mansion (Venetian prefect).
Further down and on your right you will meet Aghia Ekaterini church built in the end of 19th century. If you follow the pathway you will see the semi-underground warehouses of the northern wall and a bit further you will meet the Counsels' mansion, the architecture of which reminds us palaces of cinquecento type. Approximately fifty meters down you will see the gunpowder warehouse which is a small stone building with pyramidal roof.

In the eastern end of the castle, you will see a small Russian church (Agii Theodori) which proves the existence of Russian troops in the period of 1897-1909. The tour of the castle ends on the east side of the wall.

The city of Rithymna already existed from the Late Minoan Period III as at the settlement of Mastaba a Minoan cemetery of Ancient Rithymnas was found in 1947. Archaeological excavation discovered mosaics of the Roman and Byzantine age. But also during the 3 century A.D. the city seems to have acquired great significance as it was referred to a large village by Claudius Amiliano.

During the first Byzantine period the city is inhabited and the most important cities were Lappa and Eleftherna as the Sees of bishops.

During the period of Venetian rule, Rethymnon begins to become a city, with its conquerors taking advantage of its geographical position and building the port which still survives, the Mandraki. Rethymnon underwent many disaster from pirate (1538), raiders who (1567) pillage, rob and set it on fire. Later in 1590, a terrible flood was catastrophic for the island.

The Turks occupied the city afterwards after a 22 day siege in November of 1646. During the period of Turkish rule of Rethymnon it followed the fortune of the other cities and many martyr heroes were distinguished in the struggle against the conqueror and who are commemorated.


A guided tour of the Prefecture of Rethymnon should definitely include a visit to Eleutherna, the area where the finds of the homonymous ancient city are found. It is not known when the city was actually built but according to scientists there must have been life in the area in the Geometric period, that is 970-820 B.C. It was built on a hill and enclosed with a wall parts of which still survive today. There was a long entrance like a bridge and a tower which protected the sole entrance to the city which was considered impregnable.

The aquaduct and reservoirs which were found give evidence of the city’s organization and the level of civilization of the inhabitants. On the north side of the hill there was a temple, possibly that of Apollo, which was used A.D. by Christians for religious purposes. Sculpted tombs on the cliffs and carved sarcophaguses give us information about the civilization of ancient Eleutherna. Eleutherna experienced prosperity during the Roman and Early Byzantine Age. It was one of the most powerful independent cities.

Its inhabitants were occupied with trade, agriculture and shipping and the port which was used is surmised to have been the bay of Fodele. Its development becomes obvious from its bridges which surround it and comprise samples of advanced architecture. As an independent power, it provided its own currency, whose one side was decorated by Apollo and the other by Artemes. As an independent city it developed rivalry with Knossos resulting in a war breaking out in 222 B.C. against it and in the same year becoming an ally in the civil war of the cities of Crete. From Eleutherna originates Diogenes Apolloniates, the physicist who lived in the 5th century B.C. and was a student of Anaximenus.


The Archaeological Museum, the most interesting one in the city, is housed in a building located at the Fortezza entrance. It will guide you through the long history of the region as its exhibits date back from the Late Neolithic until the Roman era.

The Minoan antiquities discovered in Armeni village are kept in a separate window. The parts exhibiting findings from the Gerani, Melidoni, Margelon and Elenon caves are particularly interesting. The larnax dating back to the Late Minoan era, the bronze statue of a woman wearing a veil and holding a sphere (about 480 B.C.) and the statuette of a Minoan deity descovered in Pagkalochori and dated back to 1320-1200 B.C. are considered the most remarkable exhibits of the museum.

In Rethymno you will also find a Folklore and History Museum housed in a two-story building. On the second floor you can find the exhibition of folklore findings and the first floor houses a small but not insignificant at exhibition of articles associated with the period of the Cretan State.
A little further on the same road, you can visit the Folklore Collection of the Lyceum club of Greek women, a remarkable collection of popular art articles, costumes and domestic items.


The most important monasteries of Rethymno Prefecture, which are worth visiting mainly for their heroic memories, are Arkadi Monastery, Preveli Monastery, Asomaton Monastery and Arsaniou Monastery.

Arkadi Monastery
It is located 20 km SE of Rethymno in a lush green landscape full of oak trees, kermes oak trees, pine trees and vineyards. Built in 1587, its architecture is influenced in various ways by the early renaissance, the gothic and classic style as well as the early baroque style. At first, it acquired reputation as a center for copying Greek manuscripts, a work the monks of the monastery had been in charge of. At the same time, it was also renowned for the elaborately embroidered canonicals it produced. On November 8th 1866 an army of 15,000 Turks equipped with 30 canons and under the command of Souleiman Bey besieged the monastery, where 325 armed fighters with their wives and children (964 persons in total including the monks) had found shelter. They blew up the power ked so as not to become slaves of the enemy.
After the liberation the monastery was reconstructed according to its original form. Therefore, the building the visitors see today is not very different from the original one. The monastery houses a museum with an exhibition of findings from the "Arkadi holocaust", heirlooms, weapons, icons, an ossuary, etc.

Asomaton Monastery
The Asomaton Monastery is built in a beautiful landscape in the center of Asomathianos plain, surrounded by opulent vegetation and waters. The fountain located in the precinct of the monastery provides fresh water. The monastery was probably built in the 10th-11th century and was then destroyed by the Arabs. It was probably refounded thanks to the fact that Nikiforos Fokas regained Crete. During the Venetian occupation it contributed to the 1723 revolution.

The monastery was destroyed by the Turks when they took control of Crete and was refounded thanks to the initiatives of later abbots. During the Turkish occupation, it played a major role. In 1927 the monastery housed the Agricultural School, which is today a research center. In the church of the monastery you can see the icons of Taxiarches (Archangels) and Aghia Triada (Holy Trinity), which date back to the 18th century.

Preveli Monastery
It is impossible to know when the monastery was founded as it suffered serious damage and was pillaged many times throughout its history. The oldest inscription dating back to 1701 of the famous palindrome "Nipson anommata mi monan opsin" (Wash your sins, not only your face) on the fountain is preserved until today.

Only the remains of the monastery can be seen today, as the roofs have fallen down and only the walls are still standing.

The first part of the monastery (Piso Moni) is located 2 km away from the twin monastery and in still in operation nowadays as a male convent. The monastery offers a magnificent view of the Libyc sea.
You can admire the wood carved chancel with religious icons that are real masterpieces and represent scenes from the Bible in a detailed way. Some of these icons date back to 1750.

The catholicon of the monastery is a two-aisled popular art church, built in 1836. It houses the old abbey, which today used as a guest house. You will also find a small museum exhibiting religious icons that date back to the 19th century. There are also interesting documents dating back to 1798 as well as the ledgers of the monastery dating back to the 19th century.

Near the village of Sises, there is a monastery dedicated to the Holy Cross (Timios Stavros) built at an altitude of 350 m. The monastery holds its celebrations on September 14th. The monastery is known as Vosakou Monastery and was founded during the 14th century.


The prefecture’s north coasts are very busy and organized. Pay a visit to Rethimno beach just outside the city, its golden sand extends over twelve kilometer, and enjoy the sea ideal for small children as it is shallow for several meters. Alternatively you can follow a very easy route on an asphalt roadway which ends up in the organized beach of Plakia.

If you prefer isolated beaches with crystal waters and untouched sceneries away from touristic development you should take the way to the south coasts of the island. In the broader area you will see the isolated beach of Ammoudaki, while if you continue towards Lefkogia you will be amazed by the beautiful beach of Ammoudi with the imposing rocks standing in the sea. If you like underwater explorations the richness of its bottom will take your breath away.

Some of the most beautiful beaches in Crete is Aghia Irini, Triopetra, Ligres and Aghios Pavlos all located in the southeastern side of Rethimno prefecture.

Preveli Beach
Preveli beach is located in exotic scenery composed by a river, waterfalls, palm trees and fine white sand. Kourtaliotis river falls into Libyan sea forming several lacy coasts. You can reach it by boat departing from Plakia, Aghia Galini or even from Sfakia. Finally, you can also reach this beautiful coast by passing the modern bridge located before Kato Preveli monastery.

Useful information

EOT (Greek Tourism Organisation): 28310-29148, 28310-28310, 28310-56350
Police Department: 28310-25247
Tourist Police: 28310-28156, 28310-28310, 28310-29148
Rethymno Town Hall: 28310 -22245
Fire Brigade: 199
Hospital: 28310 -87100
Post Office: 28310 -22303
Organisation of Hotel owners in the Prefecture of Rethymno: 28310 - 55873
KTEL (Public Busses): 28310 -22212
Taxi Station: 28310 -24316, 28310 -25000
Archaeological Museum of Rethymno: 28310 -54668
Folklore Museum of Rethymno: 28310 -23398
Centre of Contemporary Art of Rethymno: 28310 -52530, 28310-28310, 28310-52689

One day excursion to santorini from Rethymnon

Santorini is considered to be one of the most stunning islands in the world!
The views from the part of the crater out over the caldera are absolutely stunning. From this amazing place, you can see the cruise ships that moor near the old harbor and getting a wonderful view of Nea Kameni, the island in the middle of the caldera which was created by repeated eruptions over the past 300 years.

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